You should go clubbing

You should go clubbing

One of the first things I wrote down on my 2023 goals checklist “Stop being a wandering phantom on the dance floor” I wrote that down because I went to a club for the first time in years and felt out of place.

I was stiff, rigid.

I could follow the beat, I understood what I was supposed to do but I just didn't feel the urge to dance and started feeling anxious about looking like a cardboard cutout.At the end of the night I felt like this was a turning point for me, I had to change, "This is not okay" I thought.

Art by @JMFenner91

So I wrote it down and set it as one of my most important goals for 2023.

I thought about it a lot, I feel like my journey in the last two years has been one of depersonalization.

I always felt like I was out of place everywhere I went, but the dancefloor has felt like hell lately.

If you're reading this it's likely you felt the same. Go clubbing.

The ability to let loose is one that flies under the radar but it's so so important. It's a hidden skill that some people have and it makes them so much more likeable.

Go clubbing, feel out of place, cringe at yourself but try to let loose, eventually you will feel like it's fine, that that's what the dancefloor is for and that everybody is feeling a little out of place themselves.

When you achieve it, remember the feeling, bring it to every interaction you have.

You're going to be so much brighter everywhere you go and I for one cannot wait to see you shine.
