The narrow way

The narrow way

Struggle is for struggle’s sake.

In any given moment the choices we make move us from the path we’re on to another adjacent to it but with its direction potentially completely different from the original one.

Immobility in and of itself is one such choice.

To struggle is to pick something other than immobility, the struggle is one of the many ways we move from one branch to the other.

I just don't think the struggle itself is productive.

You need to have an objective, a section of all possible futures still open to you that you are trying to reach, every move you make needs to widen the section directly or enable you to make better, more meaningful choices.

In the scope of all possible futures this is an extremely hard target to hit, but you shift it naturally as more and more paths get closed.


The series is full of moments that make you reflect better on the nature of the future.

I would almost say that the real value is not the story itself but what it can help us unlock.

The gift of Dune is one of vision.

One of the best metaphors for what it means to look at the future is that you have to imagine a man standing on a dune.


The man sees everything around him, but he cannot see what lies behind the dunes. He cannot see the infinite complexity of what goes on beneath the sand. All he can do is know himself, know its surroundings and try to anticipate the many trappings of the desert.

What it means to thread the sand

On Arrakis how you move makes the difference between living and dying.


The path might be the same, but the way you walk it makes the difference.

You are the sum of your present position in time and the steps that brought you there.