The demon you eat

The demon you eat

I realized something incredibly simple the other day.

You are always in metamorphosis, the process is a non-monotonic continuous function but you can pick the checkpoints.


A checkpoint is a discrete point in which you solidify your personality until the changes in the background function allow you to pick a new one.

What I mean is simple, the stream of experiences never stops so you can be passive and have a checkpoint assigned to you or you can try to model the stream so that you consciously pick the best place to have a checkpoint.

There's a feedback loop here, the demon you eat gives you its powers. The state you pick influences the direction of the background function in ways that are hard to predict.


People with extremely similar backgrounds and experiences can, for this reason, be completely different one from the other. And the space of the states is limited enough where the opposite is also true, by chance or through the process of assimilation completely different {initial state + transition states sum} people end up very very similar in a moment in time.


Two people interacting one with the other might become resonant, the two waves are converging.


This is what I see happening in friendships and relationships of all sorts. Differences get amplified or diminished based on the interaction between the two waves.

To be friends of partners of someone is to accept that they will change with time, grow or regress and your job is to hopefully help them avoid disastrous derailment.

I wrote Non asintoticamente stabile about the concept of stability.


While you can try to guess at the trajectory of your personality thought the years and the interactions you have it’s impossible to have full knowledge of where you will end up.

Beside the unpredictability of life itself the fact that you might undergo periods of extreme exogenous stress make the calculation impossibile. Your best bet is to steer and avoid very clear hazards to your well-being.

For example, if you’re prone to anger issues having a partner that validates them by conceding or submitting is not very likely to help you better yourself in that regard.


Progress is non-linear here.

You might very well be a worse person now than you used to be. Part of growing up is amassing a large number of subcutaneous cuts that you have to take special care to heal, you cannot shape yourself in a vacuum.

I wrote THE BMO PROTOCOL to help myself on this journey.

The idea is to reflect on your life so far, identify potential moments where your behavior shifted and their causes and then try to imagine a path forward with some concrete goals in mind.
