How you see yourself

How you see yourself

I have issues with self image.

I think most people do.

The reason to be seems to be that it's:

1) impossible to rate yourself

2) impossible to be correctly rated by others as anyone you meet only has a projection of you to judge

3) Complete honesty is generally detrimental to all parties involved

So we form our opinion of ourselves around all the kinds of feedback we receive from others and how we like to be treated.If you asked your closest friends to describe the essence of who you are I don't think you would recognize yourself. Both because some of what they would say is true and you don't know it is and some of it will be false and they don't know it is. This exercise would however be valuable nonetheless, having an accurate picture of what you project outwards and to who is incredibly useful in readjusting yourself.

It is not obvious that the optimal thing would be to correct them, it might be that the version your friends have of you is actually better than you are, and by construction achievable and close enough to where you currently stand.

I strongly suspect that the best approach to self image is to aim to always be lightly dissatisfied with yourself but never repulsed.
